Friday, May 15, 2015
Words and Definitions: (Specifically located at Pinterest)
1. Jayus (n) a joke so poorly told and unfunny that you can't help but laugh.
2. Paracosm (n) a prolonged fantasy world invented by children.
3. Limerence (n) the state of being infatuated with another person.
4. Aubade (n) a love song sung at dawn.
5. Eggcorn when a misspelling or typo still makes sense in the context of a sentence.
6. Wonderwall (adj) someone you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person you are completely infatuated with.
7. Sangfroid (n) pronunciation: (sa frwa) composure or coolness shown under trying circumstances.
8. philocalist (n) a lover of beauty; someone who finds and appreciates beauty in all things.
9. gezelligheid (n) the coziness, warmth and comfort of being at home, or being together with friends or loved ones, sharing time in a nice and pleasant atmosphere.
10. Cryptomnesia when you forgot that you've forgotten something, and you perceive it as a new, original thought.
11. altitudinarian (adj) aspiring to great heights; having lofty ambitions.
12. guttitim (adj) drop by drop.
13. shinrin- yoku (jap) (n) a visit to the forest for relaxation- a chance to stroll through nature and take in the atmosphere for one's well-being (lit. "forest bathing")
14. Vorfreude (n) The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
15. chimerical (adj) created by unchecked imagination; fantastically visionary or highly improbable.
16. innocuous (adj) not harmful or offensive.
17. apricity (n) [obsolete] the warmth of the sun in winter.
18. misodoctakleidist (n) someone who hates practicing the piano.
19.gaslight (v) to cause a person to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation.
20. lakas ng loob (filipino) (n) a person's inner strength; the quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face struggle, pain, difficulty and uncertainty with courage and without fear.
21. mizzle to rain in fine drops.
22. tante (jap.) a mixture of feeling uneasy or worried as if you can feel your own heart beat.
23. procaffeinating (n) the tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
24. serein (n) the fine, light rain falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of the night; evening serenity.
25. jillick (v) to skip a stone across water.
26. filipendulous (adj) hanging by a thread.
27. quaintrelle (n) a woman who emphasizes a life of passion, expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm and cultivation of life's pleasures.
28. pareidolia the instinct to seek familiar forms in disordered images like clouds and constellations; the perception of random stimulus as significant.
29. antiscians (n) people who live on opposite sides of the world, "whose shadows at noon are cast in opposite directions".
30. dittohead (n) an unquestioning supporter of an idea or opinion.
31. werifesteria (old eng.) (v) to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery.
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